August 1
Time:06:00 pm
Click to Register: Marketing Cloud Meetup
BlackStack Brewing
755 Prior Avenue North
Saint Paul, US
This is part one of a sorta VisualForce two parter… Community Cloud is a very robust platform that has a lot of potential in the marketing space, particularly if you’re marketing B2B or your sales team is primarily made up of contractors who are not full time employees. It’s also a great space for business that have the potential (or need) to create relationships between their customers to make a fully functioning and mutually supportive community of customer advocates, such as with user groups or for technical products. They’re also a breeze to set up, once you understand the process and what it means in the web world.
So, that’s what we’re going to do! By the end of this workshop, we will have each created a community with it’s personalized domain. So! Come to the Meetup with your computer and a new Developer account (unless you know for sure that your’s has not had any modifications that would interfere with communities) and with the domain name you would like to register.
Please join us! Drink some beer, make your own Community Cloud site, it’s all good. (Making communities is one of my favorite things to do, and I’m asked for it more and more often by clients, so I suspect it’s going to be very valuable in the future.)
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