Those of us who are knee deep in email all day everyday, can lose sight of why email is useful while swimming in the ocean of sends and working the art and science of getting opened and clicked. So, when this passed through my inbox (*ahem*), from my friend Tracy at, I thought it would be worthwhile to post so we can answer the why of email.
While this video and the concepts of developing a growth mindset isn’t obviously related to digital marketing, I feel like it may prove to be an important part of Journey Building for customers. In a typical business scenario, you are offering a solution to customer problems but there are situations where your product or service will benefits from you or a community of your users helping them to push beyond where they are right now. What if the journey is both for your marketing, and the growth of your customer? I can see how this could play out for anything from someone who sells rock climbing equipment to wine sellers to life coaches to neighborhood restaurants. When you provide an environment where people overcome their fears of trying things, like taking a kayak adventure down the Nile, they then become your salesforce and the best brand advocates you can have. What do you think?