The Ladies are back…

The last time I photographed the Ladies (yes, I use that term loosely) it was early fall, we were outdoors, the leaves were changing and everything had this beautiful golden glow.  Going into this shoot, I didn’t really think we could top that.  I’ve become a convert to the winter photo shoot.  I love them.

Okay, I really, really love them.  Winter light is amazing to work with.  It’s light and romantic and if you work it right, people just glow.  I think this is my favorite shoot to date.  Between the glow the overcast sky was casting and the charm (and cheekiness) of the Ladies it was the perfect way to spend an afternoon.

Here you go, they’re confident, strong, playful, funny, beautiful… in short, perfect subjects.

Continue reading “The Ladies are back…”

Snow Day!

It was the first snow of the year which always just seems so special with the blanket of snow dampening all the sounds and making everything look so clean and bright.  Then, I got to go to a bright and warm little house in the woods (ok, so, not really woods but there were some trees) and photograph this beautiful family for their Christmas presents.  I feel very lucky.


Drew & Rachel

It is true pleasure to be able to watch kids grow up.  Drew and Rachel live across the street from me.  First there were walks in strollers, and then came big wheels and the stroller again and bikes and now buses to take them off to school.  It makes me feel like making great pictures of them at whatever stage they’re in is really important work and I’m proud for my contribution in their home and lives.

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